Cups to ounces Conversion | Cups to fluid ounces equation

You may use the cups to ounces converter above to convert cups to ounces (oz). You can also use the cups to the ounces table to figure out how many ounces are in “Y” cups. Below you’ll find instructions on how to calculate the number of ounces in “Y” cups, with formulas and examples of conversions. The conversion table and converter are based on US cups and fluid ounces.

Cups come in a variety of sizes, including the US cup, Metric cup, Imperial cup, and Canadian cup. The US fluid ounce and the Imperial fluid ounce are the two varieties of fluid ounces. As a result, the answer to the question of how many fluid ounces are in a cup may vary depending on which types of cups and fluid ounces are used. There are 8 fluid ounces in a cup when converting from US cups to fluid ounces.

Cups to ounces Conversion


A cup is a volume measuring unit used in cooking to measure bulk items such as chopped vegetables (a dry measurement example) or liquids such as milk (fluid measurement). It is widely used in many countries, particularly those that were once part of the British Empire, such as the United States and most Commonwealth of Nations members, as well as those that aspired to be like them, such as Japan.

A cup is a volume measurement that equals 16 tablespoons or 8 fluid ounces. The cup is not to be confused with the metric cup or the teacup, which are both separate volume units. Although one cup is almost about 236.6 millilitres, it is labelled as 240 millilitres on nutrition labels.

The cup is a standard volume measurement in the United States. Cups are commonly shortened as C and can alternatively be abbreviated as c. 1 cup, for instance, can be written as 1 c or 1 C.

Fluid Ounces

A fluid ounce is a volume unit that is used in both the Imperial and US customary units systems. The two metrics, however, are not identical: The imperial fluid ounce is around 1.734 cubic inches or 28.4130625 millilitres, or 1/160 of an imperial gallon, 1/20 of an imperial pint, or 8 fluid drams. This volume of water weighs about 1 avoirdupois ounce (the volume occupied by one ounce at 62 degrees Fahrenheit (16.7 degrees Celsius), weighed in the air using brass weights).

The fluid ounce is a volume measurement equivalent to 1/16 of a pint or 1/8 of a cup in the United States. The fluid ounce is commonly called a “ounce,” but it is not to be confused with the mass unit. Although one fluid ounce is slightly less than 29.6 millilitres, one fluid ounce is rounded to exactly 30 ml in nutrition labelling.

The fluid ounce is a volume measurement unit used in the United States. Fluid ounces are abbreviated as fl oz, and they’re also known as fl. oz. or oz. fl. 10 fluid ounces, for example, can be written as 10 fl oz, 10 fl. oz., or 10 oz. fl. oz.


The ounce refers to a number of various mass, weight, and volume quantities, and it is derived practically intact from the uncia, an Ancient Roman unit of measurement.

The avoirdupois ounce (28.349523125 g) is 1/16 of an avoirdupois pound and is used in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is primarily used in the United States to measure packaged foods and food portions, postal items, the areal density of fabric and paper, boxing gloves, and other items, but it is also used in other parts of the Anglosphere on occasion.

Although the avoirdupois ounce is the most widely used unit of measurement, precious metals such as gold, silver and others are measured in troy ounces, which weigh exactly 31.1034768 g.

‘Ounce’ is also a term used in other purposes:

The ounce force is a unit of force measurement (see below).

The fluid ounce is a volume measurement.

Historically, several ounces measuring mass or volume were used in various countries by various trades and at various eras in history.

Cups to fluid ounces conversion

One cup in the United States carries 8 fluid ounces. In the United Kingdom, one cup equals 10 fluid ounces.

converting cups to ounces (US recipes)

8 US fl oz Equals 1 US cup (236.6mL)

8.327 UK fl oz = 1 US cup (236.6mL)

converting cups to ounces (UK recipes)

10 UK fl oz Equals 1 UK cup (284.1mL).

9.607 US fl oz = 1 UK cup (284.1mL)

Recipes from other countries

8.454 US fl oz Equals 1 metric cup (250mL)

8.799 UK fl oz = 1 metric cup (250mL)

Conversions between cups and fluid ounces are shown in the tables below (fl oz). If you’re looking for weight conversions in dry ounces, a chart and information can be found further down the page.

Cups to ounces dry

It’s vital to remember that a cup is a unit of volume, whereas a dry ounce (oz) is a unit of weight when converting between cups and dry ounces (oz). This means that converting a material requires an additional element – the density of the substance. Because olive oil is a denser substance, a cup full of sugar will weigh less than a cup full of olive oil, as an example.

Read Also: How to calculate cubic feet: Formula, Calculation

I’ve provided a list of options for you to choose from. Please keep in mind that these are only estimates; different brands of ingredients will vary somewhat. As a result, the outcomes you receive will be estimates. The ingredient densities were obtained from the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organization, as well as other sources.

Cups to ounces cheese, flour, weight

Ingredient 1 Cup


1/2 Cup


1/3 Cup


Flour (plain)


4.41 oz 2.21 oz 1.47 oz
Then, Flour (self-raising)


Similarly, 4.41 oz Then, 2.21 oz Similarly, 1.47 oz
Similarly, Flour (bread)


Then, 4.48 oz Similarly, 2.24 oz Then, 2.21 oz
Then, Butter


Similarly, 8 oz Then, 4 oz Similarly, 2.67 oz
Similarly, Honey


Then, 11.85 oz Similarly, 5.93 oz Then, 3.95 oz
Then, Margarine


Similarly, 8.1 oz Then, 4.05 oz Similarly, 2.7 oz
Similarly, Milk


Then, 8.64 oz Similarly, 4.32 oz Then, 2.88 oz
Then, Oats


Similarly, 3.6 oz Then, 1.8 oz Similarly, 1.2 oz
Similarly, Sugar (granulated)


Then, 7.09 oz Similarly, 3.55 oz Then, 2.36 oz
Then, Sugar (brown)


Similarly, 7.05 oz Then, 3.53 oz Similarly, 2.35 oz
Similarly, Sugar (caster)


Then, 6.68 oz Similarly, 3.34 oz Then, 2.23 oz
Then, Sugar (icing)


Similarly, 4.68 oz Then, 2.34 oz Similarly, 1.56 oz

Cups to Fluid Ounces Conversion Table

Cups Fluid ounces Cups Fluid ounces
1 c 8 fl oz 20 c 160 fl oz
Then, 2 c 16 fl oz Then, 21 c 168 fl oz
3 c Then, 24 fl oz 22 c Then, 176 fl oz
Then, 4 c 32 fl oz Then, 23 c 184 fl oz
5 c Then, 40 fl oz 24 c Then, 192 fl oz
Then, 6 c 48 fl oz Then, 25 c 200 fl oz
7 c Then, 56 fl oz 26 c Then, 208 fl oz
Then, 8 c 64 fl oz Then, 27 c 216 fl oz
9 c Then, 72 fl oz 28 c Then, 224 fl oz
Then, 10 c Similarly, 80 fl oz Then, 29 c 232 fl oz
11 c Then, 88 fl oz 30 c Then, 240 fl oz
Then, 12 c 96 fl oz Then, 31 c 248 fl oz
13 c Then, 104 fl oz 32 c Then, 256 fl oz
Then, 14 c Similarly, 112 fl oz Then, 33 c 264 fl oz
15 c Then, 120 fl oz Similarly, 34 c Then, 272 fl oz
Then, 16 c 128 fl oz Then, 35 c 280 fl oz
17 c Then, 136 fl oz Similarly, 36 c Then, 288 fl oz
Then, 18 c Similarly, 144 fl oz Then, 37 c 296 fl oz
19 c Then, 152 fl oz 38 c Then, 304 fl oz

Cups to fluid ounces formula

A cup contains 8 ounces. Multiply the cup value by 8 to convert cups to ounces.

For example, to calculate the number of ounces in a half-cup, multiply 8 by 0.5, which equals 4 ounces.

Formula for converting cups to fluid ounces

Fluid ounce = cup × 8

Cups to ounces conversion

2 cups to ounces

Cups to fluid ounces formula

Fluid ounce = cup × 8

Hence, 2 cups = 2 × 8 = 16 oz

4 cups to ounces

Cups to fluid ounces formula

Fluid ounce = cup × 8

Hence, 4 cups = 4 × 8 = 32 oz

3 cups to ounces

Cups to fluid ounces formula

Fluid ounce = cup × 8

Hence, 3 cups = 3 × 8 = 24 oz

1.5 cups to ounces

Cups to fluid ounces formula

Fluid ounce = cup × 8

Hence, 1.5 cups = 1.5 × 8 = 12 oz

5 cups to ounces

Cups to fluid ounces formula

Fluid ounce = cup × 8

Hence, 5 cups = 5 × 8 = 40 oz

Cups to ounces ratio

One cup in the United States carries 8 fluid ounces. In the United Kingdom, one cup equals 10 fluid ounces.

Hence, the cups to ounces ratio for the US is 1:8 and for the UK it’s 1:10.

Cups to Fluid Ounces UK

Cup (UK) Fluid Ounce (UK) [fl Oz (UK)]
Then, 0.01 cup (UK) Similarly, 0.1 fl oz (UK)
Similarly, 0.1 cup (UK) Then, 1 fl oz (UK)
Then, 1 cup (UK) Similarly, 1 fl oz (UK)
Similarly, 2 cup (UK) Then, 20 fl oz (UK)
Then, 3 cups (UK) Similarly, 30 fl oz (UK)
Similarly, 5 cup (UK) Then, 50 fl oz (UK)
Then, 10 cups (UK) Similarly, 100 fl oz (UK)
Similarly, 20 cup (UK) Then, 200 fl oz (UK)
Then, 50 cups (UK) Similarly, 500 fl oz (UK)
Similarly, 100 cup (UK) Then, 1000 fl oz (UK)
Then, 1000 cups (UK) Similarly, 10000 fl oz (UK)


How to convert ounces to cups?

0.125 cup is equivalent to 1 ounce (fluid). However, multiply the ounce value by 0.125 or divide by 8 to convert ounces to cups.

To convert 16 ounces to cups, multiply 16 by 0.125, resulting in 2 cups in 16 ounces.

What is a Cup?

Cup is a volume unit. 1 US cup = 8 US fluid ounces. The symbol is “c”.

What is a Fluid Ounce?

A fluid ounce is a volume unit used in the imperial and US Customary measuring systems. 0.125 US cup Equals 1 US fluid oz. “fl oz” is the sign.

How many ounces in a cup?

Cups come in a variety of sizes, including the US cup, Metric cup, Imperial cup, and Canadian cup. The US fluid ounce and the Imperial fluid ounce are the two varieties of fluid ounces. As a result, the answer to the question of how many fluid ounces are in a cup may vary depending on which types of cups and fluid ounces are used. There are 8 fluid ounces in a cup when converting from US cups to fluid ounces.

How to convert cups to fluid ounces?

8 fluid ounces = 1 cup (cup) (fl oz). Cup (cup) is a volume measurement unit used in the cooking system. The fluid ounce (fl oz) is a volume measurement unit used in standard systems. The US customary cup is abbreviated as c., and it is equal to 236.5882365 ml = 1/16 US customary gallon = 1/4 US customary quart. 1/128 US gallon is 29.5735295625 ml in the US fluid ounce.

Is there a difference between US and UK fluid ounces?

The pint in the United Kingdom is 20 fluid ounces, while the pint in the United States is 16 fl oz. However, fluid ounces do not equal one another across the Atlantic, thus this translation is not straightforward. Here’s how the two countries compare in terms of volume: The US Customary fluid ounce is 29.573 millilitres, while the British Imperial fluid ounce is 28.413 millilitres. The Imperial pint measures 568.261 millilitres (20 fluid ounces), while the US Customary pint measures 473.176 millilitres (16 fl oz).

How do I measure a fluid ounce in cups?

Divide the volume by the conversion ratio to convert a fluid ounce measurement to a cup measurement. The fluid ounces divided by 8 equals the volume in cups.

Is a measuring cup 8 ounces?

It’s incredibly easy to measure liquid ingredients: just use separate measuring cups for liquid quantities. A cup holds 8 ounces of liquid (fluid ounces), hence two cups equal 16 ounces (or 1 pint), and four cups equal 32 ounces.

Is a fluid ounce bigger than a cup?

Liquid medicine is frequently measured in fluid ounces. 8 fluid ounces is one unit. One cup is the capacity of a standard measuring cup. 16 fluid ounces, or 2 cups, is one unit.

Why is the US gallon different to the UK gallon?

A gallon is equal to 128 fluid ounces or 3.785 litres in the Americas (American spelling). However, in the United Kingdom, it is 160 fluid ounces (4.546 litres) (British spelling). That’s a significant difference, since the British competitors may need to consume 20% more milk than their American colleagues.