How to calculate cubic feet: Formula, Calculation

A cubic foot is the total volume of a cube. However, you can see all six sides of a cube are one foot in length. Next, the volume of a space measured in feet is a cubic foot. Next, one cubic foot is the volume of a cube with dimensions of one foot in width, length, and height. Moreover, the United States and parts of Canada use measurements in cubic feet mostly. Then, knowing an object’s or space’s cubic foot required for shipping, freight, and landscaping operations. Next, you can easily calculate cubic feet using an online calculator. However, you can calculate this manually. In this article, we are talking about these cubic feet.

So, please keep reading to know about this cubic feet.

How to Calculate Cubic feet formula

Because straight lines and right angles do not characterise the world, it is critical to adapt your volume calculation to the geometry you are measuring. Next, here are four typical formulas for calculating the volume of various shapes (including sophisticated cuboids with numerous sides and angles):

Square feet

However, the size or square footage of a space may be calculated by multiplying the length and breadth. Then multiply this value by the object’s height to get the cubic space, or cubic footage.

Cubic inches

Next, once you’ve estimated the cubic footage of an object, multiply the amount by twelve to convert it to inches.

Cubic centimetres

However, one cubic foot is 28,316.8 cubic centimetres. Because this is a difficult figure to memorise. Next, you should utilise an online calculator, especially when converting between imperial and metric systems. Then, to get the total amount of cubic centimetres, multiply your cubic feet by 28,316.8.

Cubic feet of a cylinder

Next, the volume of a cylinder may be calculated by multiplying an object’s height in feet by its diameter (distance across a circle) in feet. Finally, the result is then multiplied by pi (3.14).

How to calculate cubic feet of wood

However, the volume of a cylinder V=hr2 gives the cubic feet or volume of a cylindrical log. Next, a log with a radius of 2 feet and a height of 10 feet has a volume of approximately 125.66 cubic feet (or ft3). Then, the volume may alternatively be thought of as the base area multiplied by the height, with the base area being the area of a circle (A=r2). Moreover, this calculation is based on the assumption that logs are perfect or nearly perfect cylinders. Similarly, the radius and height must be in metres for cubic metres of volume. Next, height must be measured from one basis’s centre to the other’s centre.

Moreover, this calculation is based on the assumption that logs are perfect or nearly perfect cylinders. Similarly, the radius and height must be in metres for cubic metres of volume. Next, height must be measured from one basis’s centre to the other’s centre. Then, when converting between multiple volume measures, remember to multiply the volume value by the number of units. Next, it requires conversion between the different measurements while accounting for the size of the units.

How to calculate cubic feet of a tree

Tree volume is one of several criteria used to determine the size of individual trees. Tree volume measurements are used for a number of objectives, including economic, scientific, and sports contests. Depending on the level of detail required and the sophistication of the measuring process, measurements may include either the volume of the trunk or the volume of the trunk plus the branches. Other often used criteria are: tree height measurement, tree girth measurement, and tree crown measurement, as described in Tree measuring. Volume measurements can be taken directly by tree climbers or remotely using remote technologies. The tree is split into smaller pieces in each approach, the dimensions of each segment are measured, and the associated volume is determined.

How to calculate cubic feet

The volume of each component is then added together to produce the overall volume of the tree or part of the tree being represented.In general, most sections are handled as frustums of a cone, paraboloid, or neiloid, with the diameter at each end and length of each section calculated to estimate volume. A tree climber obtains direct measurements by measuring the girth at either end of a piece as well as its length. Ground-based approaches employ optical and electronic surveying equipment to measure the end diameters and lengths of each segment remotely.

Tree climbers can use a tape to physically measure the height and circumference of a tree. The distance between the highest climb point and the tree’s top is measured with a pole that extends from the tree’s top to the tape’s anchor point. This height is documented, and the tree’s diameter is measured at that point. The climber then rappels down the tree, measuring the trunk circumference by tape wrap at various heights, with each measurement’s height referred to the fixed tape running down the trunk.

How to calculate cubic feet of wood log

However, a straight log isn’t a perfect cylinder, but it comes close. Then, that is, if you are asked to calculate the volume of a log, you may apply the method for calculating the volume of a cylinder to get a very near estimate. However, before you can apply the formula, you must first know the length of the log as well as its radius or diameter.

Next, apply the volume of a cylinder formula, V = ? times r 2 h, where V is the volume of the log, r is its radius, and h is its height (or if you prefer, its length; the straight-line distance from one end of the log to the other).

Then, if you’ve measured or been provided the diameter of a log, divide it by 2 to obtain the radius. Then, for example, if you’re informed the log has a diameter of one foot, its radius is: 1 foot/2 = 0.5 ft.

How to calculate cubic feet to square feet

Moreover, the cube is a three-dimensional geometric object with six faces, eight corners, and twelve edges. Then, the edges of cubes are all the same length and line up at right angles. Next, you may need to calculate the square footage of a cube’s surface area if you are taking a geometry or general maths subject in middle school, high school, or college. Next, if your job requires measurements and maths, you may need to compute this measurement as well. Then, the square footage of a cube’s surface area is the sum of the areas of all its faces.

How to calculate cubic feet

Moreover, take the length of one of the cube’s edges and multiply it by two.

Next, multiplying this measurement by itself is known as “squaring.” For example, if a cube has a 2 inch long edge, multiply 2 by 2 to obtain 4, indicating that the area of this face is 4 square inches.

Read Also: Cups to ounces Conversion

Then, because a cube has six faces, multiply your result from step two by six. In this case, multiply 4 by 6 to obtain a total square footage of 24 inches.

How to calculate cubic feet to cubic metre

Moreover, both the cubic foot and the cubic metre are measures of the volume of a three-dimensional object, but in different media. Then, a cubic foot is used for linear measurement. But a cubic metre is used to represent chemical concentrations in a volume of air.

Next, one cubic foot is about equivalent to 0.0283168466 cubic metres.

Next, 1 cubic foot = 0.0283168466 cubic metre.

How to calculate cubic feet


However, multiply the provided feet value by 0.0283168466 cubic metres to convert cubic feet to cubic metres. Then, multiply 5 by 0.0283168466 cubic metres to convert 5 cubic feet to cubic metres.

Next, 5 cubic feet = 5 x 0.0283168466 cubic metres.

Next, 5 ft  = 0.141584233 m.

So, 5 cubic feet to cubic metres is equal to 0.141584233 m.

How to calculate cubic feet Conversion


Cubic Foot (ft3) Cubic Metre (m3)
0.001 0.0000283168
0.01 0.0002831685
0.1 0.0028316847
1 0.0283168466
2 0.0566336932
3 0.0849505398
4 0.1132673864
5 0.141584233
6 0.1699010796
7 0.1982179262
8 0.2265347727
9 0.2548516193
10 0.2831684659
50 1.4158423297
100 2.8316846593

How to calculate cubic feet to litre

However, the unit-cancelling approach is useful for solving this type of problem because it employs a number of readily recalled conversions that link the original units to the end units, as shown below:

1 foot equals 12 inches

Next, 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm.

Then, 1 litre = 1,000 cubic centimetres

Using these procedures, you may convert feet to centimetres as follows:

(distance in ft) × (12 in/1 ft) x (2.54 cm/1 in) = distance in cm

(distance in feet) x 30.48 cm/ft = distance in cm

Convert these distances into cm3 and ft3 volume measurements:

Cube volume = (linear measurement)3, which means:

[(distance in feet) x 30.48 cm/ft] = volume in cm3

(volume in cm3) x 28316.85 cm3/ft3 = volume in cm3

cubic centimetres to litres is as simple as this:

Volume in litres = (volume in cm3) multiplied by (1 L/1,000 cm3)

(volume in cm3)/1,000 L/cm3 = volume in litres

Input the preceding step’s cubic volume:

[(volume in ft3) x 28316.85 cm3/ft3)] = volume in litres

1000 L/cm3

(volume in ft3) x 28.317 L/ft3 = volume in litres

Next, you now have your cubic foot to litre conversion factor. In the volume in ft3 component of the calculation, enter 1 cubic foot:

(1 ft3) x 28.317 L/ft3 = volume in litres

28.317 L is the volume in litres.

Then, as a result, one cubic foot equals 28.317 litres of volume.

How to calculate cubic feet Example

  1. Convert 0.5 litre to cubic feet.
  1. Use the conversion factor 1 cubic foot = 28.317 litres:

Next, cubic feet = (0.5 litre) x (1 cubic foot / 28.317 litres)

The litres balance out at the top and bottom, yielding 0.5 / 28.317 and a result of 0.018 cubic feet.

Some frequently asked questions

What is the measurement for 1 cubic feet?

It is the volume of a cube with sides measuring one foot (0.3048 m). However, it has a capacity of 28.3168 L (about 135 cubic metres). Next, a cubic foot of water weighs 62.37 pounds at 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) (28.29 kg).

How many bags of cement do I need for 12 × 12?

Divide the total cubic yards required by the yields. Next, for a 1212 slab at 4 inch thick, you will need 1.76 yards of concrete. Hence number of 80lb bags of concrete = 1.76 0.022 = 80 bags, number of 60lb bags = 1.76 0.017 = 104 bags.

How to calculate cubic feet capacity?

Then, multiply your length, width, and height measurements to get a total in cubic inches (in3) Subtract the total by 1728. (as there are 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot).

What is a cubic foot of soil?

A cubic yard is equivalent to 27 cubic feet. A 40-pound bag of dirt typically contains.75 cubic feet of soil. A Cubic Foot contains 25.71404638 Dry Quarts, therefore a 25 quart bag of potting soil would equal about 1 Cubic Foot.

Is cubic feet the same as feet?

However, cubic feet and feet are two completely distinct things. Then, a foot is a unit of length, while a cubic foot is a unit of volume. Because all three measure length, you may convert feet to inches or yards. However, you cannot convert cubic feet to feet.

How do you calculate volume?

Next, simply multiply the length, width, and height of a box to obtain its volume. For example, if a box is 572 cm long, its volume is 70 cubic centimetres. Then, calculating volume by hand is simple for dimensions with relatively tiny whole numbers.

How much does 10 cubic feet hold?

Moreover, a 10 cubic foot freezer can contain 350 pounds (159 kilograms) of food, whereas a 12 cubic foot freezer can hold 420 pounds (191 kilograms). Then, a 12 cubic foot freezer can store an additional 70 pounds (32 kilogrammes) of food.

What is a 3 cubic feet box?

Moreover, a 3 cubic foot box has dimensions of 18″ x 18″ x 18″. Then, you can use it as a generic all-purpose box to pack up the majority of your belongings. Next, avoid putting very heavy goods, such as books, or very light items, such as linens, in this box. Because there are other boxes available that are better suits for these sorts of products.

What is the difference between cubic feet and square feet?

However, square feet and cubic feet are measuring units for two completely distinct notions. Next, square feet are area measurements, while cubic feet are volume measures. Then, 16 + 4 16 = 80 square feet on a liner. The pool’s volume is 4 4 4 = 64 cubic feet, thus I’ll need 64 cubic feet of water.

What is cubic feet?

However, a cubic foot is the total volume of a cube. However, you can see all six sides of a cube are one foot in length. Next, the volume of a space measured in feet is a cubic foot. Next, one cubic foot is the volume of a cube with dimensions of one foot in width, length, and height. Moreover, the United States and parts of Canada use measurements in cubic feet mostly. Then, knowing an object’s or space’s cubic foot required for shipping, freight, and landscaping operations.